GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: libfprint/nbis/mindtct/dft.c
Date: 2025-01-24 13:39:06
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 70 72 97.2%
Functions: 6 6 100.0%
Branches: 20 22 90.9%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 /*******************************************************************************
3 License:
4 This software and/or related materials was developed at the National Institute
5 of Standards and Technology (NIST) by employees of the Federal Government
6 in the course of their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105
7 of the United States Code, this software is not subject to copyright
8 protection and is in the public domain.
10 This software and/or related materials have been determined to be not subject
11 to the EAR (see Part 734.3 of the EAR for exact details) because it is
12 a publicly available technology and software, and is freely distributed
13 to any interested party with no licensing requirements. Therefore, it is
14 permissible to distribute this software as a free download from the internet.
16 Disclaimer:
17 This software and/or related materials was developed to promote biometric
18 standards and biometric technology testing for the Federal Government
19 in accordance with the USA PATRIOT Act and the Enhanced Border Security
20 and Visa Entry Reform Act. Specific hardware and software products identified
21 in this software were used in order to perform the software development.
22 In no case does such identification imply recommendation or endorsement
23 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that
24 the products and equipment identified are necessarily the best available
25 for the purpose.
27 This software and/or related materials are provided "AS-IS" without warranty
30 or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE or for any purpose whatsoever, for the
31 licensed product, however used. In no event shall NIST be liable for any
32 damages and/or costs, including but not limited to incidental or consequential
33 damages of any kind, including economic damage or injury to property and lost
34 profits, regardless of whether NIST shall be advised, have reason to know,
35 or in fact shall know of the possibility.
37 By using this software, you agree to bear all risk relating to quality,
38 use and performance of the software and/or related materials. You agree
39 to hold the Government harmless from any claim arising from your use
40 of the software.
42 *******************************************************************************/
45 /***********************************************************************
46 LIBRARY: LFS - NIST Latent Fingerprint System
49 AUTHOR: Michael D. Garris
50 DATE: 03/16/1999
51 UPDATED: 03/16/2005 by MDG
53 Contains routines responsible for conducting Discrete Fourier
54 Transforms (DFT) analysis on a block of image data as part of
55 the NIST Latent Fingerprint System (LFS).
57 ***********************************************************************
59 dft_dir_powers()
60 sum_rot_block_rows()
61 dft_power()
62 dft_power_stats()
63 get_max_norm()
64 sort_dft_waves()
65 ***********************************************************************/
67 #include <stdio.h>
68 #include <lfs.h>
70 /*************************************************************************
71 **************************************************************************
72 #cat: dft_dir_powers - Conducts the DFT analysis on a block of image data.
73 #cat: The image block is sampled across a range of orientations
74 #cat: (directions) and multiple wave forms of varying frequency are
75 #cat: applied at each orientation. At each orentation, pixels are
76 #cat: accumulated along each rotated pixel row, creating a vector
77 #cat: of pixel row sums. Each DFT wave form is then applied
78 #cat: individually to this vector of pixel row sums. A DFT power
79 #cat: value is computed for each wave form (frequency0 at each
80 #cat: orientaion within the image block. Therefore, the resulting DFT
81 #cat: power vectors are of dimension (N Waves X M Directions).
82 #cat: The power signatures derived form this process are used to
83 #cat: determine dominant direction flow within the image block.
85 Input:
86 pdata - the padded input image. It is important that the image
87 be properly padded, or else the sampling at various block
88 orientations may result in accessing unkown memory.
89 blkoffset - the pixel offset form the origin of the padded image to
90 the origin of the current block in the image
91 pw - the width (in pixels) of the padded input image
92 ph - the height (in pixels) of the padded input image
93 dftwaves - structure containing the DFT wave forms
94 dftgrids - structure containing the rotated pixel grid offsets
95 Output:
96 powers - DFT power computed from each wave form frequencies at each
97 orientation (direction) in the current image block
98 Return Code:
99 Zero - successful completion
100 Negative - system error
101 **************************************************************************/
102 46139 int dft_dir_powers(double **powers, unsigned char *pdata,
103 const int blkoffset, const int pw, const int ph,
104 const DFTWAVES *dftwaves, const ROTGRIDS *dftgrids)
105 {
106 46139 int w, dir;
107 46139 int *rowsums;
108 46139 unsigned char *blkptr;
110 /* Allocate line sum vector, and initialize to zeros */
111 /* This routine requires square block (grid), so ERROR otherwise. */
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✓ Branch 1 taken 46139 times.
46139 if(dftgrids->grid_w != dftgrids->grid_h){
113 fprintf(stderr, "ERROR : dft_dir_powers : DFT grids must be square\n");
114 return(-90);
115 }
116 46139 rowsums = (int *)g_malloc(dftgrids->grid_w * sizeof(int));
117 46139 memset(rowsums, 0, dftgrids->grid_w * sizeof(int));
119 /* Foreach direction ... */
✓ Branch 0 taken 738224 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 46139 times.
784363 for(dir = 0; dir < dftgrids->ngrids; dir++){
121 /* Compute vector of line sums from rotated grid */
122 738224 blkptr = pdata + blkoffset;
123 738224 sum_rot_block_rows(rowsums, blkptr,
124 738224 dftgrids->grids[dir], dftgrids->grid_w);
126 /* Foreach DFT wave ... */
✓ Branch 1 taken 2952896 times.
✓ Branch 2 taken 738224 times.
4429344 for(w = 0; w < dftwaves->nwaves; w++){
128 2952896 dft_power(&(powers[w][dir]), rowsums,
129 2952896 dftwaves->waves[w], dftwaves->wavelen);
130 }
131 }
133 /* Deallocate working memory. */
134 46139 g_free(rowsums);
136 46139 return(0);
137 }
139 /*************************************************************************
140 **************************************************************************
141 #cat: sum_rot_block_rows - Computes a vector or pixel row sums by sampling
142 #cat: the current image block at a given orientation. The
143 #cat: sampling is conducted using a precomputed set of rotated
144 #cat: pixel offsets (called a grid) relative to the orgin of
145 #cat: the image block.
147 Input:
148 blkptr - the pixel address of the origin of the current image block
149 grid_offsets - the rotated pixel offsets for a block-sized grid
150 rotated according to a specific orientation
151 blocksize - the width and height of the image block and thus the size
152 of the rotated grid
153 Output:
154 rowsums - the resulting vector of pixel row sums
155 **************************************************************************/
156 738224 void sum_rot_block_rows(int *rowsums, const unsigned char *blkptr,
157 const int *grid_offsets, const int blocksize)
158 {
159 738224 int ix, iy, gi;
161 /* Initialize rotation offset index. */
162 738224 gi = 0;
164 /* For each row in block ... */
✓ Branch 0 taken 17717376 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 738224 times.
18455600 for(iy = 0; iy < blocksize; iy++){
166 /* The sums are accumlated along the rotated rows of the grid, */
167 /* so initialize row sum to 0. */
168 17717376 rowsums[iy] = 0;
169 /* Foreach column in block ... */
✓ Branch 0 taken 425217024 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 17717376 times.
442934400 for(ix = 0; ix < blocksize; ix++){
171 /* Accumulate pixel value at rotated grid position in image */
172 425217024 rowsums[iy] += *(blkptr + grid_offsets[gi]);
173 425217024 gi++;
174 }
175 }
176 738224 }
178 /*************************************************************************
179 **************************************************************************
180 #cat: dft_power - Computes the DFT power by applying a specific wave form
181 #cat: frequency to a vector of pixel row sums computed from a
182 #cat: specific orientation of the block image
184 Input:
185 rowsums - accumulated rows of pixels from within a rotated grid
186 overlaying an input image block
187 wave - the wave form (cosine and sine components) at a specific
188 frequency
189 wavelen - the length of the wave form (must match the height of the
190 image block which is the length of the rowsum vector)
191 Output:
192 power - the computed DFT power for the given wave form at the
193 given orientation within the image block
194 **************************************************************************/
195 2952896 void dft_power(double *power, const int *rowsums,
196 const DFTWAVE *wave, const int wavelen)
197 {
198 2952896 int i;
199 2952896 double cospart, sinpart;
201 /* Initialize accumulators */
202 2952896 cospart = 0.0;
203 2952896 sinpart = 0.0;
205 /* Accumulate cos and sin components of DFT. */
✓ Branch 0 taken 70869504 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 2952896 times.
73822400 for(i = 0; i < wavelen; i++){
207 /* Multiply each rotated row sum by its */
208 /* corresponding cos or sin point in DFT wave. */
209 70869504 cospart += (rowsums[i] * wave->cos[i]);
210 70869504 sinpart += (rowsums[i] * wave->sin[i]);
211 }
213 /* Power is the sum of the squared cos and sin components */
214 2952896 *power = (cospart * cospart) + (sinpart * sinpart);
215 2952896 }
217 /*************************************************************************
218 **************************************************************************
219 #cat: dft_power_stats - Derives statistics from a set of DFT power vectors.
220 #cat: Statistics are computed for all but the lowest frequency
221 #cat: wave form, including the Maximum power for each wave form,
222 #cat: the direction at which the maximum power occured, and a
223 #cat: normalized value for the maximum power. In addition, the
224 #cat: statistics are ranked in descending order based on normalized
225 #cat: squared maximum power. These statistics are fundamental
226 #cat: to selecting a dominant direction flow for the current
227 #cat: input image block.
229 Input:
230 powers - DFT power vectors (N Waves X M Directions) computed for
231 the current image block from which the values in the
232 statistics arrays are derived
233 fw - the beginning of the range of wave form indices from which
234 the statistcs are to derived
235 tw - the ending of the range of wave form indices from which
236 the statistcs are to derived (last index is tw-1)
237 ndirs - number of orientations (directions) at which the DFT
238 analysis was conducted
239 Output:
240 wis - list of ranked wave form indicies of the corresponding
241 statistics based on normalized squared maximum power. These
242 indices will be used as indirect addresses when processing
243 the power statistics in descending order of "dominance"
244 powmaxs - array holding the maximum DFT power for each wave form
245 (other than the lowest frequecy)
246 powmax_dirs - array to holding the direction corresponding to
247 each maximum power value in powmaxs
248 pownorms - array to holding the normalized maximum powers corresponding
249 to each value in powmaxs
250 Return Code:
251 Zero - successful completion
252 Negative - system error
253 **************************************************************************/
254 46139 int dft_power_stats(int *wis, double *powmaxs, int *powmax_dirs,
255 double *pownorms, double **powers,
256 const int fw, const int tw, const int ndirs)
257 {
258 46139 int w, i;
259 46139 int ret; /* return code */
✓ Branch 0 taken 138417 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 46139 times.
184556 for(w = fw, i = 0; w < tw; w++, i++){
262 138417 get_max_norm(&(powmaxs[i]), &(powmax_dirs[i]),
263 138417 &(pownorms[i]), powers[w], ndirs);
264 }
266 /* Get sorted order of applied DFT waves based on normalized power */
267 46139 if((ret = sort_dft_waves(wis, powmaxs, pownorms, tw-fw)))
268 return(ret);
270 return(0);
271 }
273 /*************************************************************************
274 **************************************************************************
275 #cat: get_max_norm - Analyses a DFT power vector for a specific wave form
276 #cat: applied at different orientations (directions) to the
277 #cat: current image block. The routine retuns the maximum
278 #cat: power value in the vector, the direction at which the
279 #cat: maximum occurs, and a normalized power value. The
280 #cat: normalized power is computed as the maximum power divided
281 #cat: by the average power across all the directions. These
282 #cat: simple statistics are fundamental to the selection of
283 #cat: a dominant direction flow for the image block.
285 Input:
286 power_vector - the DFT power values derived form a specific wave form
287 applied at different directions
288 ndirs - the number of directions to which the wave form was applied
289 Output:
290 powmax - the maximum power value in the DFT power vector
291 powmax_dir - the direciton at which the maximum power value occured
292 pownorm - the normalized power corresponding to the maximum power
293 **************************************************************************/
294 138417 void get_max_norm(double *powmax, int *powmax_dir,
295 double *pownorm, const double *power_vector, const int ndirs)
296 {
297 138417 int dir;
298 138417 double max_v, powsum;
299 138417 int max_i;
300 138417 double powmean;
302 /* Find max power value and store corresponding direction */
303 138417 max_v = power_vector[0];
304 138417 max_i = 0;
306 /* Sum the total power in a block at a given direction */
307 138417 powsum = power_vector[0];
309 /* For each direction ... */
✓ Branch 0 taken 2076255 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 138417 times.
2214672 for(dir = 1; dir < ndirs; dir++){
311 2076255 powsum += power_vector[dir];
✓ Branch 0 taken 405763 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 1670492 times.
2076255 if(power_vector[dir] > max_v){
313 405763 max_v = power_vector[dir];
314 405763 max_i = dir;
315 }
316 }
318 138417 *powmax = max_v;
319 138417 *powmax_dir = max_i;
321 /* Powmean is used as denominator for pownorm, so setting */
322 /* a non-zero minimum avoids possible division by zero. */
✓ Branch 0 taken 138417 times.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
138417 powmean = max(powsum, MIN_POWER_SUM)/(double)ndirs;
325 138417 *pownorm = *powmax / powmean;
326 138417 }
328 /*************************************************************************
329 **************************************************************************
330 #cat: sort_dft_waves - Creates a ranked list of DFT wave form statistics
331 #cat: by sorting on the normalized squared maximum power.
333 Input:
334 powmaxs - maximum DFT power for each wave form used to derive
335 statistics
336 pownorms - normalized maximum power corresponding to values in powmaxs
337 nstats - number of wave forms used to derive statistics (N Wave - 1)
338 Output:
339 wis - sorted list of indices corresponding to the ranked set of
340 wave form statistics. These indices will be used as
341 indirect addresses when processing the power statistics
342 in descending order of "dominance"
343 Return Code:
344 Zero - successful completion
345 Negative - system error
346 **************************************************************************/
347 46139 int sort_dft_waves(int *wis, const double *powmaxs, const double *pownorms,
348 const int nstats)
349 {
350 46139 int i;
351 46139 double *pownorms2;
353 /* Allocate normalized power^2 array */
354 46139 pownorms2 = (double *)g_malloc(nstats * sizeof(double));
✓ Branch 1 taken 138417 times.
✓ Branch 2 taken 46139 times.
230695 for(i = 0; i < nstats; i++){
357 /* Wis will hold the sorted statistic indices when all is done. */
358 138417 wis[i] = i;
359 /* This is normalized squared max power. */
360 138417 pownorms2[i] = powmaxs[i] * pownorms[i];
361 }
363 /* Sort the statistic indices on the normalized squared power. */
364 46139 bubble_sort_double_dec_2(pownorms2, wis, nstats);
366 /* Deallocate the working memory. */
367 46139 g_free(pownorms2);
369 46139 return(0);
370 }