GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: libfprint/nbis/mindtct/block.c
Date: 2025-01-24 13:39:06
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 96 102 94.1%
Functions: 4 4 100.0%
Branches: 35 42 83.3%

Line Branch Exec Source
1 /*******************************************************************************
3 License:
4 This software and/or related materials was developed at the National Institute
5 of Standards and Technology (NIST) by employees of the Federal Government
6 in the course of their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105
7 of the United States Code, this software is not subject to copyright
8 protection and is in the public domain.
10 This software and/or related materials have been determined to be not subject
11 to the EAR (see Part 734.3 of the EAR for exact details) because it is
12 a publicly available technology and software, and is freely distributed
13 to any interested party with no licensing requirements. Therefore, it is
14 permissible to distribute this software as a free download from the internet.
16 Disclaimer:
17 This software and/or related materials was developed to promote biometric
18 standards and biometric technology testing for the Federal Government
19 in accordance with the USA PATRIOT Act and the Enhanced Border Security
20 and Visa Entry Reform Act. Specific hardware and software products identified
21 in this software were used in order to perform the software development.
22 In no case does such identification imply recommendation or endorsement
23 by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that
24 the products and equipment identified are necessarily the best available
25 for the purpose.
27 This software and/or related materials are provided "AS-IS" without warranty
30 or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE or for any purpose whatsoever, for the
31 licensed product, however used. In no event shall NIST be liable for any
32 damages and/or costs, including but not limited to incidental or consequential
33 damages of any kind, including economic damage or injury to property and lost
34 profits, regardless of whether NIST shall be advised, have reason to know,
35 or in fact shall know of the possibility.
37 By using this software, you agree to bear all risk relating to quality,
38 use and performance of the software and/or related materials. You agree
39 to hold the Government harmless from any claim arising from your use
40 of the software.
42 *******************************************************************************/
45 /***********************************************************************
46 LIBRARY: LFS - NIST Latent Fingerprint System
49 AUTHOR: Michael D. Garris
50 DATE: 03/16/1999
51 UPDATED: 10/04/1999 Version 2 by MDG
52 UPDATED: 03/16/2005 by MDG
54 Contains routines responsible for partitioning arbitrarily-
55 sized images into equally-sized blocks as part of the NIST
56 Latent Fingerprint System (LFS).
58 ***********************************************************************
60 block_offsets()
61 low_contrast_block()
62 find_valid_block()
63 set_margin_blocks()
65 ***********************************************************************/
67 #include <stdio.h>
68 #include <lfs.h>
70 /*************************************************************************
71 **************************************************************************
72 #cat: block_offsets - Divides an image into mw X mh equally sized blocks,
73 #cat: returning a list of offsets to the top left corner of each block.
74 #cat: For images that are even multiples of BLOCKSIZE, blocks do not
75 #cat: not overlap and are immediately adjacent to each other. For image
76 #cat: that are NOT even multiples of BLOCKSIZE, blocks continue to be
77 #cat: non-overlapping up to the last column and/or last row of blocks.
78 #cat: In these cases the blocks are adjacent to the edge of the image and
79 #cat: extend inwards BLOCKSIZE units, overlapping the neighboring column
80 #cat: or row of blocks. This routine also accounts for image padding
81 #cat: which makes things a little more "messy". This routine is primarily
82 #cat: responsible providing the ability to processs arbitrarily-sized
83 #cat: images. The strategy used here is simple, but others are possible.
85 Input:
86 iw - width (in pixels) of the orginal input image
87 ih - height (in pixels) of the orginal input image
88 pad - the padding (in pixels) required to support the desired
89 range of block orientations for DFT analysis. This padding
90 is required along the entire perimeter of the input image.
91 For certain applications, the pad may be zero.
92 blocksize - the width and height (in pixels) of each image block
93 Output:
94 optr - points to the list of pixel offsets to the origin of
95 each block in the "padded" input image
96 ow - the number of horizontal blocks in the input image
97 oh - the number of vertical blocks in the input image
98 Return Code:
99 Zero - successful completion
100 Negative - system error
101 **************************************************************************/
102 240 int block_offsets(int **optr, int *ow, int *oh,
103 const int iw, const int ih, const int pad, const int blocksize)
104 {
105 240 int *blkoffs, bx, by, bw, bh, bi, bsize;
106 240 int blkrow_start, blkrow_size, offset;
107 240 int lastbw, lastbh;
108 240 int pad2, pw;
110 /* Test if unpadded image is smaller than a single block */
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✓ Branch 1 taken 240 times.
240 if((iw < blocksize) || (ih < blocksize)){
112 fprintf(stderr,
113 "ERROR : block_offsets : image must be at least %d by %d in size\n",
114 blocksize, blocksize);
115 return(-80);
116 }
118 /* Compute padded width of image */
119 240 pad2 = pad<<1;
120 240 pw = iw + pad2;
122 /* Compute the number of columns and rows of blocks in the image. */
123 /* Take the ceiling to account for "leftovers" at the right and */
124 /* bottom of the unpadded image */
125 240 bw = (int)ceil(iw / (double)blocksize);
126 240 bh = (int)ceil(ih / (double)blocksize);
128 /* Total number of blocks in the image */
129 240 bsize = bw*bh;
131 /* The index of the last column */
132 240 lastbw = bw - 1;
133 /* The index of the last row */
134 240 lastbh = bh - 1;
136 /* Allocate list of block offsets */
137 240 blkoffs = (int *)g_malloc(bsize * sizeof(int));
139 /* Current block index */
140 240 bi = 0;
142 /* Current offset from top of padded image to start of new row of */
143 /* unpadded image blocks. It is initialize to account for the */
144 /* padding and will always be indented the size of the padding */
145 /* from the left edge of the padded image. */
146 240 blkrow_start = (pad * pw) + pad;
148 /* Number of pixels in a row of blocks in the padded image */
149 240 blkrow_size = pw * blocksize; /* row width X block height */
151 /* Foreach non-overlapping row of blocks in the image */
✓ Branch 0 taken 8125 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 240 times.
8365 for(by = 0; by < lastbh; by++){
153 /* Current offset from top of padded image to beginning of */
154 /* the next block */
155 offset = blkrow_start;
156 /* Foreach non-overlapping column of blocks in the image */
✓ Branch 0 taken 237985 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 8125 times.
246110 for(bx = 0; bx < lastbw; bx++){
158 /* Store current block offset */
159 237985 blkoffs[bi++] = offset;
160 /* Bump to the beginning of the next block */
161 237985 offset += blocksize;
162 }
164 /* Compute and store "left-over" block in row. */
165 /* This is the block in the last column of row. */
166 /* Start at far right edge of unpadded image data */
167 /* and come in BLOCKSIZE pixels. */
168 8125 blkoffs[bi++] = blkrow_start + iw - blocksize;
169 /* Bump to beginning of next row of blocks */
170 8125 blkrow_start += blkrow_size;
171 }
173 /* Compute and store "left-over" row of blocks at bottom of image */
174 /* Start at bottom edge of unpadded image data and come up */
175 /* BLOCKSIZE pixels. This too must account for padding. */
176 240 blkrow_start = ((pad + ih - blocksize) * pw) + pad;
177 /* Start the block offset for the last row at this point */
178 240 offset = blkrow_start;
179 /* Foreach non-overlapping column of blocks in last row of the image */
✓ Branch 0 taken 7300 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 240 times.
7540 for(bx = 0; bx < lastbw; bx++){
181 /* Store current block offset */
182 7300 blkoffs[bi++] = offset;
183 /* Bump to the beginning of the next block */
184 7300 offset += blocksize;
185 }
187 /* Compute and store last "left-over" block in last row. */
188 /* Start at right edge of unpadded image data and come in */
189 /* BLOCKSIZE pixels. */
190 240 blkoffs[bi++] = blkrow_start + iw - blocksize;
192 240 *optr = blkoffs;
193 240 *ow = bw;
194 240 *oh = bh;
195 240 return(0);
196 }
198 /*************************************************************************
199 #cat: low_contrast_block - Takes the offset to an image block of specified
200 #cat: dimension, and analyzes the pixel intensities in the block
201 #cat: to determine if there is sufficient contrast for further
202 #cat: processing.
204 Input:
205 blkoffset - byte offset into the padded input image to the origin of
206 the block to be analyzed
207 blocksize - dimension (in pixels) of the width and height of the block
208 (passing separate blocksize from LFSPARMS on purpose)
209 pdata - padded input image data (8 bits [0..256) grayscale)
210 pw - width (in pixels) of the padded input image
211 ph - height (in pixels) of the padded input image
212 lfsparms - parameters and thresholds for controlling LFS
213 Return Code:
214 TRUE - block has sufficiently low contrast
215 FALSE - block has sufficiently hight contrast
216 Negative - system error
217 **************************************************************************
218 **************************************************************************/
219 50730 int low_contrast_block(const int blkoffset, const int blocksize,
220 unsigned char *pdata, const int pw, const int ph,
221 const LFSPARMS *lfsparms)
222 {
223 50730 int pixtable[IMG_6BIT_PIX_LIMIT], numpix;
224 50730 int px, py, pi;
225 50730 unsigned char *sptr, *pptr;
226 50730 int delta;
227 50730 double tdbl;
228 50730 int prctmin = 0, prctmax = 0, prctthresh;
229 50730 int pixsum, found;
231 50730 numpix = blocksize*blocksize;
232 50730 memset(pixtable, 0, IMG_6BIT_PIX_LIMIT*sizeof(int));
234 50730 tdbl = (lfsparms->percentile_min_max/100.0) * (double)(numpix-1);
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✓ Branch 1 taken 50730 times.
50730 tdbl = trunc_dbl_precision(tdbl, TRUNC_SCALE);
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✓ Branch 1 taken 50730 times.
50730 prctthresh = sround(tdbl);
238 50730 sptr = pdata+blkoffset;
✓ Branch 0 taken 1217520 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 50730 times.
1268250 for(py = 0; py < blocksize; py++){
240 pptr = sptr;
✓ Branch 0 taken 29220480 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 1217520 times.
30438000 for(px = 0; px < blocksize; px++){
242 29220480 pixtable[*pptr]++;
243 29220480 pptr++;
244 }
245 1217520 sptr += pw;
246 }
248 pi = 0;
249 pixsum = 0;
250 1190583 found = FALSE;
✓ Branch 0 taken 1190583 times.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
1190583 while(pi < IMG_6BIT_PIX_LIMIT){
252 1190583 pixsum += pixtable[pi];
✓ Branch 0 taken 1139853 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 50730 times.
1190583 if(pixsum >= prctthresh){
254 prctmin = pi;
255 found = TRUE;
256 break;
257 }
258 1139853 pi++;
259 }
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✓ Branch 1 taken 50730 times.
50730 if(!found){
261 fprintf(stderr,
262 "ERROR : low_contrast_block : min percentile pixel not found\n");
263 return(-510);
264 }
266 pi = IMG_6BIT_PIX_LIMIT-1;
267 pixsum = 0;
268 1091931 found = FALSE;
✓ Branch 0 taken 1091931 times.
✗ Branch 1 not taken.
1091931 while(pi >= 0){
270 1091931 pixsum += pixtable[pi];
✓ Branch 0 taken 1041201 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 50730 times.
1091931 if(pixsum >= prctthresh){
272 prctmax = pi;
273 found = TRUE;
274 break;
275 }
276 1041201 pi--;
277 }
✗ Branch 0 not taken.
✓ Branch 1 taken 50730 times.
50730 if(!found){
279 fprintf(stderr,
280 "ERROR : low_contrast_block : max percentile pixel not found\n");
281 return(-511);
282 }
284 50730 delta = prctmax - prctmin;
✓ Branch 0 taken 46139 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 4591 times.
50730 if(delta < lfsparms->min_contrast_delta)
287 return(TRUE);
288 else
289 46139 return(FALSE);
290 }
292 /*************************************************************************
293 **************************************************************************
294 #cat: find_valid_block - Take a Direction Map, Low Contrast Map,
295 #cat: Starting block address, a direction and searches the
296 #cat: maps in the specified direction until either a block valid
297 #cat: direction is encountered or a block flagged as LOW CONTRAST
298 #cat: is encountered. If a valid direction is located, it and the
299 #cat: address of the corresponding block are returned with a
300 #cat: code of FOUND. Otherwise, a code of NOT_FOUND is returned.
302 Input:
303 direction_map - map of blocks containing directional ridge flows
304 low_contrast_map - map of blocks flagged as LOW CONTRAST
305 sx - X-block coord where search starts in maps
306 sy - Y-block coord where search starts in maps
307 mw - number of blocks horizontally in the maps
308 mh - number of blocks vertically in the maps
309 x_incr - X-block increment to direct search
310 y_incr - Y-block increment to direct search
311 Output:
312 nbr_dir - valid direction found
313 nbr_x - X-block coord where valid direction found
314 nbr_y - Y-block coord where valid direction found
315 Return Code:
316 FOUND - neighboring block with valid direction found
317 NOT_FOUND - neighboring block with valid direction NOT found
318 **************************************************************************/
319 50952 int find_valid_block(int *nbr_dir, int *nbr_x, int *nbr_y,
320 int *direction_map, int *low_contrast_map,
321 const int sx, const int sy,
322 const int mw, const int mh,
323 const int x_incr, const int y_incr)
324 {
325 50952 int x, y, dir;
327 /* Initialize starting block coords. */
328 50952 x = sx + x_incr;
329 50952 y = sy + y_incr;
331 /* While we are not outside the boundaries of the map ... */
✓ Branch 0 taken 239723 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 2747 times.
✓ Branch 2 taken 234959 times.
✓ Branch 3 taken 4764 times.
242470 while((x >= 0) && (x < mw) && (y >= 0) && (y < mh)){
333 /* Stop unsuccessfully if we encounter a LOW CONTRAST block. */
✓ Branch 0 taken 226836 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 8123 times.
234959 if(*(low_contrast_map+(y*mw)+x))
335 return(NOT_FOUND);
337 /* Stop successfully if we encounter a block with valid direction. */
✓ Branch 0 taken 35318 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 191518 times.
226836 if((dir = *(direction_map+(y*mw)+x)) >= 0){
339 35318 *nbr_dir = dir;
340 35318 *nbr_x = x;
341 35318 *nbr_y = y;
342 35318 return(FOUND);
343 }
345 /* Otherwise, advance to the next block in the map. */
346 191518 x += x_incr;
347 191518 y += y_incr;
348 }
350 /* If we get here, then we did not find a valid block in the given */
351 /* direction in the map. */
352 return(NOT_FOUND);
353 }
355 /*************************************************************************
356 **************************************************************************
357 #cat: set_margin_blocks - Take an image map and sets its perimeter values to
358 #cat: the specified value.
360 Input:
361 map - map of blocks to be modified
362 mw - number of blocks horizontally in the map
363 mh - number of blocks vertically in the map
364 margin_value - value to be assigned to the perimeter blocks
365 Output:
366 map - resulting map
367 **************************************************************************/
368 48 void set_margin_blocks(int *map, const int mw, const int mh,
369 const int margin_value)
370 {
371 48 int x, y;
372 48 int *ptr1, *ptr2;
374 48 ptr1 = map;
375 48 ptr2 = map+((mh-1)*mw);
✓ Branch 0 taken 1508 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 48 times.
1556 for(x = 0; x < mw; x++){
377 1508 *ptr1++ = margin_value;
378 1508 *ptr2++ = margin_value;
379 }
381 48 ptr1 = map + mw;
382 48 ptr2 = map + mw + mw - 1;
✓ Branch 0 taken 1577 times.
✓ Branch 1 taken 48 times.
1625 for(y = 1; y < mh-1; y++){
384 1577 *ptr1 = margin_value;
385 1577 *ptr2 = margin_value;
386 1577 ptr1 += mw;
387 1577 ptr2 += mw;
388 }
390 48 }